
Residential Cleaning Services

Carrie's Cleaning Service will work with you to schedule the cleaning services you need while matching your budget. Reclaim more of your time and focus on the things that matter most while we take care of vacuuming, mopping, sanitizing, and many other household tasks.

We offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly cleanings, move-in/move-out cleanings, one-time cleanings, and before-and-after event cleanings.

We can clean and maintain homes of any size. As seasons in life change, so do your cleaning needs. Some of our clients are starting families and need their entire house cleaned, while others may only require certain areas cleaned regularly. We customize our services to fit your unique lifestyle and needs. We also offer environmentally friendly cleaning products and proven techniques to ensure your home is left fresh, clean, and beautiful.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule a free in-home estimate!

Residential Cleaning Services
It's important to choose the right level of service for your home. We always recommend starting with a Top to Bottom cleaning, ensuring your home receives the deep, thorough cleaning it needs right from the start. A maintenance or general cleaning is ideal if you’ve had professional cleaning done within the last four weeks.

General First Time / One Time Cleaning / Maintenance Cleaning:


Clean shower/tub
Sanitize and wipe outside of toilet and clean inside of bowl
Clean countertops and sinks, wiping/dusting objects on counters
Clean mirror
Empty trash
Wipe all baseboards and window ledges


Clean countertops, wiping all objects on counters
Clean outside of all appliances
Clean inside of microwave
Dust window ledges and objects on them
Clean sink
Empty trash/clean outside of trash can if it is not inside cabinet

Laundry Room

Dust shelves and windows
Wipe outside of appliances
Wipe counters 
Clean sink

Bedroom and Living Areas

Dust all furniture and window ledges 
Dust all knick knacks and pictures sitting on furniture
Make beds/change sheets (if requested)
Tidy/straighten where possible
Clean splashes, handprints, and pet drool off windows and glass doors
Vacuum couch and chair surfaces as needed


Vacuum carpets/rugs and floors

Top to Bottom Cleaning:

Includes everything in a general cleaning plus:
  • Hand wiping wood blinds (but not mini blinds, unless requested)
  • Getting cobwebs down
  • Dusting visible dust off walls
  • Dusting/cleaning (if possible, up to a 2 step ladder) ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Dusting tops of door ledges, window frames, shower stalls and tile, furniture (when possible, up to a 2 step ladder), and refrigerator
  • Wiping down all doors and light switches
  • Hand wiping wood blinds (but not mini blinds, unless requested)
  • Hand wiping baseboards and wood trim on walls
  • Dusting baseboards and vents behind furniture where possible with a long handled duster
  • Dusting all wall hangings
  • Cleaning all windows that can be reached with a 2 step ladder
  • Wiping down cabinets that can be reached with a 2 step ladder
  • Vacuum under cushions of couches and chairs

Move Out/Move In Cleanings:

Includes all of the items in a general and top to bottom cleaning (where applicable) and:
  • Vacuum/Wipe out cabinets and drawers
  • Clean closets
  • Wipe out refrigerator
Carrie's Cleaning Service, LLC is a HomeAdvisor Screened & Approved Pro Carrie's Cleaning Service, LLC is a HomeAdvisor Screened & Approved Pro
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